COVID-19 information for patients

For up-to-date information about provincial and federal initiatives related to COVID-19, please click here.

Masking requirements are lifting in most acute, long term and community settings in Manitoba. HSC Winnipeg is a mask-friendly environment. For everyone’s safety, masks are encouraged if you have cold/flu symptoms. Patients can also ask their health-care provider to wear a mask.

In consultation with the medical team, masks are no longer required for kidney related clinics at the Transplant Wellness Centre as of May 1, 2024. Masking remains in effect for lung and liver clinics.

Medical masks are available to patients and visitors at HSC Winnipeg’s main entrances.

COVID-19 and transplantation

Remaining up-to-date is important to the Transplant Manitoba Adult Kidney Transplant team. The team will continue to review evidence and current policies related to COVID-19 and make changes as needed.

As of January 2023, Transplant Manitoba strongly recommends all patients with a kidney transplant and anyone being considered for kidney transplant be fully vaccinated against COVID-19, in addition to other vaccines required before transplantation. COVID-19 vaccines protect organ recipients against the increased risk of serious outcomes of a COVID-19 infection including death.

Patients who are not vaccinated against COVID-19 are eligible for kidney transplant. Before continuing the journey to transplantation, patients unvaccinated against COVID-19 must attend an information session with an infectious disease specialist to review options and make the best, most-informed choice for them.